What is Medicelo?

Medicelo is an online pharmacy Platform . With this app, you can purchase medicines online and get it delivered to your home within 24-48 hours. Download the app now to take care of all your healthcare needs.

Do I need a prescription with every order?

Government of India, (Drugs and Cosmetics Act of India, 1940 & Rules 1945), has mandated compulsory prescription for certain category of medicines. Thus, to process your order for such medicines we will need a valid prescription.

How to place an order?

1. 1. Search for the product you want to purchase and add it to cart. Further attach prescription, add your shipping address and make the payment or select Pay on Delivery option to pay in cash.

2. You may click on UPLOAD PRESCRIPTION and follow the steps.

What is a valid prescription?

A valid prescription has the following information:

  • 1. Name and address of the Doctor
  • 2. Doctor’s stamp or signature
  • 3.Patient name and age
  • 4. Date of visit or date of the prescription
  • 5. Name of medicine, dosage, strength and duration for which it is required

We verify the ordered medicines against the prescription that you have shared with the order. We check that these medicines are prescribed by a qualified doctor.

How do I know the medicines delivered are authentic?

We at Medicelo are committed to ensure 100% customer satisfaction by offering genuine products, secure payments and easy returns. Pharmacy partners work dedicatedly to sell only genuine products to customers on Medicelo. All these partners listing their products on Medicelo are required to enter an agreement to list and sell only genuine products.


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